Oxford & District Labour Party is a combination of two constituency Labour parties (CLPs), Oxford East and Oxford West & Abingdon.

We have a joint All Member Meeting (AMM) each month except April and August to meet and discuss current issues, to hear reports from MPs and councillors, to listen to speakers and to debate motions. The AMM is open to all Labour Party members from either constituency, and they can speak and vote on all policy issues including resolutions.

In addition to the AMM, the Party has a General Committee (GC) which is composed of delegates who are chosen by Oxford & District Party branches and by trade unions, the Co-op party and other affiliated organisations. These are the only members who can vote on certain aspects of party business, including the election of party officers and conference delegates, nominations to the National Executive Committee (NEC) and other national committees, constitutional changes and financial matters. Such votes are usually held within AMMs, particularly the AGM, for convenience.

The Executive Committee (EC) consists of officers elected at the AGM and some additional members to ensure that every party branch is represented.  It is responsible for managing the ODLP throughout the year.

We are approaching the Annual General Meeting (AGM) season in the Labour Party. In January and February branches hold their local AGMs where members elect delegates to represent their branch at GC/AMM meetings. Each branch is entitled to one delegate for every 20 members of their branch.

Branches may also nominate people to serve as officers at constituency level, and these elections take place at the constituency AGM in March each year. Because our local party is a combination of two CLPs the rules guarantee that each CLP will elect one of the two co-chairs, and we aim for an executive committee where both CLPs are represented.  We are also required to ensure women’s representation, with at least five of the eleven lead officer positions and at least two of the four functional officer positions held by women.

If you would like to find out more about the nature and responsibilities of each CLP role, click on the relevant link below.

Chair          Vice Chair: Membership         Vice Chair: Campaigns         Secretary         Treasurer         Women’s Officer         BAME Officer          Disability Officer         Youth Officer          LGBT+ Officer         Policy Officer           Social Media Officer

Any member is eligible to stand as an officer or a delegate, and should put themselves forward at their branch AGM. It is expected that delegates will regularly attend branch meetings so they can accurately reflect the feeling of their branches when there are votes for GC delegates only. Similarly officers will be expected to report back to their branches and/or attend other branches to represent the EC to all members.


Standing Orders

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